Friday, April 26, 2013

The corrupt child support industrial complex

This is what child support is really about

The Child Support Industrial Complex is a corrupt system that the judges, magistrates, hearing officers, child support agencies, and others have an economic interest.

If anyone has been a Defendant in a child support case, they knew first hand that they had no chance when they stepped into the court room. They knew that 60 to 65 percent of their income would be gone. The higher the Child Support order the better the agents of the court, county, and state get paid. Because their salaries, pensions, and bonuses are linked directly or indirectly to child support enforcement and collections. Pursuant to Title 42 U.S.C. Section 658, they get reimbursement/incentives in the amount of child support collected and enforced upon. That's the dirty secret, people! It's all about money, in the name of child support.

Children (and the fathers of those children) are being used as money-making apparatuses for the State. Exploitation, extortion, conspiracy, and deprivation are the names of the game. These terms are the proper terms to use when defining what it is the Family Law Courts do. This is why I urge families not to take their disagreements or problems to the court house. The Court will only exploit the misery of the situation for monetary gain. Also, the Court will encourage women to take huge financial blows at their ex-husbands/boyfriends as a parting gift.

Moreover, why is it when women contribute resources to their children, the Court calls it "child care"? But when men contribute resources to their children, the Court calls it a gift. The reason for this -- the Court/ government wants to make sure that men pay directly through the system so that the agents of the State can get paid. And sadly enough, many men are pushed into poverty because of this exploitation. But nobody cares as long they get paid. It is clear -- Courts are openly biased against fathers and so are the sexist, misandric laws that Courts implement. Men need to start  standing up to the child support system and start costing it money by filing class-action lawsuits. Better yet, the attitude that men need to take on is this,  "Give me liberty or give me death."


Anonymous said...

From someone who is stuck in the family court system as non custodial paying parent for over 10 years this is very good article. Stay out of the family court system at all costs if you can.

“The federal incentives drive the system. The more divorces, and the higher the child-support guidelines are set and enforced (no matter how unreasonable), the more money the state bureaucracy collects from the feds. Follow the money. The less time that non-custodial parents (usually fathers) are permitted to be with their children, the more child support they must pay into the state fund, and the higher the federal bonus to the states for collecting the money. " - Phyllis Schlafly

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say without a doubt that it's not just the men who pay child support who suffer. Women who have to pay child support suffer too. I have been dealing with the State of Florida Child Support Enforcement Agency for 11 years now. In that time they have taken my passport, my license, and sent me to jail just for losing my job and being unable to find another one during a recession. I finally get another job and pay on time every month and start lowering my past due amount owed and they still refuse to allow me a passport or a driver's license even after over 3 years of steadily paying. It's absolutely absurd.

Kory Johnson said...

I'm sorry to hear your misfortunes with the child support system. It really is a criminal system. And if any man or woman put their ex-boyfriends/girlfriends in this system, he/she is setting their ex-partner up to lose licence, go to jail or prison, and many more absurd things that the system will put an individual through. I say it's time to fight back, people!

Anonymous said...

So how do we start fighting back? What laws can we cite, against their corruption other than the statute you posted.


Kory Johnson said...

The statute I quoted, it can be used against the Court, simply because it shows that the Court or judge has a conflict of interest, that the Court and the State has a direct economic interest. You can even file a motion to dismiss on this fact alone. Now, if men want to fight the whole child support system, they are going to have to unify and start filing class-action law suits on the fact that the system is practicing sexism. If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thank You: Kory Johnson

Unknown said...

Man this is the truth. I just got back from court right now and had to hear my kid's mom cry about this & that and of course they sided with her. What a damn joke this system is and i'm not sure where everyone is located but stay the hell away from NJ... They will drop the hammer on the Defendant ALL DAY!!!!

Snowman said...

Thanks for the post, but believe me it's like not hope for the one who. Has the true said and done , they believe more a lier, dead beat person etc .

Anonymous said...

Stop paying the system .... Give your child needs directly to the child and the custodial parent . If enough people rebel against the system .... change will come .

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trust the custodial parent. I am the wife of a victim of child support abuse...that went on for 10 years until I had a nervous breakdown. My husband had to pay $1000/mo for one child while three of us lived on the remaining $1600, thanks to a DuPage County, IL judge's decision. Later we found out that, since the mother lived in Indiana, the decision was made without the transfer of jurisdiction to the state where we were living at the time. When we moved to another state, they refused to alter the amount when we moved to another state because the amount would have to be lowered. The "wife" was a nurse whose license had been revoked before she tracked him down on line--his first wife had recently died and he had two little girls to raise. She never told him of the license revocation--and got out of the marriage, taking his son with him, before he found out. There is much more to this story but my nerves cannot take going into it. The point is that I, the wife who followed this abandonment by her and the taking of a child from his father, has been the ultimate victim---my salary had to pay for attorneys and pick up on my husbands destroyed credit--because he had to file bankruptcy. The courts are criminals helping criminals.

Mr Fred said...

I did rebel and even took custody of my two children once I moved to another state. The child support office did not care that I had physical and legal custody. I had to save money for years to just simply hire a lawyer to stop them from acrueing more child support to my already high arrears. No consideration given that I wasn't given no child support from their mother while the children were with me. The state I lived in would not help me because the case was filed originally in another state which told them my case was still open against me. It had to be closed before they could pursue her.

child support in georgia said...


Unknown said...

In 1979 I tried to do the right thing and sign the papers, set up the child support hearing. I took the girl and her mother to the hearing, paid the ordered amount. The Wayne County F.O.C. didn't like this so they used their own court order trying to make me pay more money. They called me a bum and told me if I went near my child or the mother I will be arrested. I fought this for 36 years. Dec. 2011, after the case was closed and past the statue of limitations I was ordered to pay 62,990 dollars without a hearing. 3 lawyers paying over 10,000 dollars couldn't get me a hearing.

Unknown said...

My son is now 33 and California still garnishing my SSI disability and they been garnishing it since 1997 and it just went up!They say I still owe over 93 thou dollars they been garnishing 350 dollars on 300 child support order now for over 22 yrs and say I still owe 93 thou and I had full custody from 14 to 18 and still was charged support for them 4 yrs but they audited it when I complained and it went doun to 43 thou in arrears now a few yrs later is over 90 thou they say I owe when Ive already paid over 60 thou in child support for 1 child on a 970 SSI check that has been garnished at 65% I recive 307 dollars and I am expected to live on that!!! WHAT AN INJUSTICE CALIFORNIA has and is doing to me I cant afford a attorney to fight them I live far away in the state of PA I have of yet notbeen abel found anyone to help me with this matter any suggestions?anyone

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