Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who benefits from the child-support scam (Pt.2)

America, land of the free.
Oh, please!

A few years ago, I wrote an article (similar to this one) on the injustices of child support in the Mansfield News Journal called "Child Support a Scam". I expounded in the article that the state and federal government allow people to set up private agencies that profit off of child support by charging women a fee of 45% to collect child support payments from so-called "dead-beat dads". I have also published articles on my Fight Back blogsite on similar subjects.

The collection of child-support payments from non-custodial parents have nothing to do with morality and justice. It is greed and arrogance that have led the U.S. government to create these sort of problems and then offer solutions to them. For example, when men are imprisoned for failure to pay child support they then become felons, which hinder them from getting decent-paying jobs; this lessens their chances to fully support themselves and their children; furthermore, their drivers and business' license are extracted from them as well; sometimes their assets are seized. These are the U.S. government's solutions to the problems it created. Question: How will these men ever conquer this unjust cycle of child-support debt and imprisonment? Answer: They're not supposed to. The current child-support policies are meant to keep this vicious cycle of injustice going. As a result, there are more than 400,000 fathers incarcerated for failure to pay child support. And the government still get its 2 to 3% cut (interest). What a scam!

Moreover, because of the current child-support policies, men are starting to commit suicide. More than 16,000 men a year commit suicide because they can't afford to pay the set estimates of their child-support payments, which are usually too high to pay. The consequence of this has led to more conflict between men and women with children; it has also led to men killing their wives and children because of the U.S. government's threats to jail them if they don't pay up. This puts extreme pressure on men who are out of work and broke.
If child support were so fair, why do child-support agencies have policemen posted in their buildings? Because they know that men are getting tired of being cheated out of their money. Anyone paying child support should say this to the U.S. government: Stay the hell out of my business! These are my kids, not yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

also their a payment history that you have that the childsupport office likes to add more on to then what you owe. and there a 3td party deal going on if my child is not with the mother then i should have my child not pay to the grandmother of the child the support should only be beteen the mother and the father of the child.

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