Saturday, April 20, 2019


The Real I.D. is a federal invasion of our privacy and the over-riding of the sovereignty and powers of the states. And secretly, the Real I.D. makes private citizens full-blown federal citizens instead of state citizens. There will no longer be dual citizenship between the two. States at this point have almost no power or say over anything. Everything, and all power, is being gobbled up and centralized by the federal government. What the federal government is doing and has been doing is taking away social power (power of the people), and taking away states power (power of the states) and converting all of it into federal power, causing everyone to bow down and depend on the federal government for everything. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This was talked about in Albert J. Knock's book "Our Enemy The State". I suggest that you all read that book.

Back to the Real I.D. What governments tend to do, but particularly, the federal government, is create all sorts of inconveniences for people, or threaten them with economic consequences so that people have no choice but to submit to the government's will. For example, if you do not get the Real I.D. card, you won't be able to use certain federal buildings or board a plan. The only exception to the rule regarding boarding a plane, domestically, is that you can alternatively use a U.S. Passport. But eventually that alternative will taken away. The second example of making things inconvenient to bend people to the government's will is telling people that if they do not do a federal 1040 Tax Form, they will be eligible for  legitimate employment. See, it's these things is why I know that most people will take the Mark of the Beast. People want to not be inconvenienced. They want to be able to make money, board a plane, buy a house, and put food in their bellies -- case closed.

The crazy thing about all this, if the federal government and federal buildings are public buildings (funded by our tax dollars), how then can the federal government ban the general public from using these buildings? But Americans don't take time to think about these things.

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